In our Diversity Resource Library, you’ll find articles, eBooks, and other resources on topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
Diversity Resource Library
For the last 20 years, it’s been common for healthcare executives to look to the aviation industry for both inspiration and best practices in improving quality and safety.
Classic content from 2015 Top 25 Women in Healthcare: Maureen Bisognano from the IHI
For the last 20 years, it’s been common for healthcare executives to look to the aviation industry for both inspiration and best practices in improving quality and safety.
Maureen Bisognano Looks to Improve the Healthcare Silo
Every five or six years, the American College of Healthcare Executives conducts a new survey on diversity and inclusion in healthcare as it relates to leadership of our industry.
ACHE report on diversity: The more that things change...
As the oldest daughter in a large family, Patricia Maryland, Dr.PH, was often left in charge when her mother was hospitalized during a years-long struggle with Type 2 diabetes.
At Ascension, Patricia Maryland’s patient-centered focus aligns with a passion for analytics
Leaders concern themselves with the big picture, and rightfully so. But every so often, it's worth reminding ourselves that decisions large and small have a major impact on our organizations, our people and our own lives.
Mastering Decision-Making: The Impact of Small Choices
The healthcare industry is in a time of historic change. Hospitals and health systems are merging and acquiring each other; health insurers are doing the same.
Navigating Healthcare's New Landscape