In our Diversity Resource Library, you’ll find articles, eBooks, and other resources on topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
Diversity Resource Library
Deborah Bowen, president and CEO of the American College of Healthcare Executives, is leading with purpose.
Deborah Bowen's purposeful leadership sets tone for ACHE members
Deborah DiSanzo knew that IBM Watson Health was a strong company with a superior product, but she didn’t know it would personally transform her life.
The Impact of IBM Watson Health on Patients and Leaders
U.S. healthcare has more questions than answers right now, but Laura Kaiser doesn’t shy away from them.
Laura Kaiser of SSM Health brings courage, conviction to questions around healthcare's future
In the 1980s and 1990s, when Marla Silliman was starting out in her career, there were not a lot of women in healthcare senior leadership outside of nursing. Although there have been improvements, the industry as a whole has a ways to go at the highest levels, she says.
Florida Hospital's Marla Silliman hopes to mentor a new generation of women leaders
Sometimes, the simple things are the easiest to understand. Perhaps that’s one reason that the Leapfrog Group’s Hospital Safety Grade has caught on in such a big way – even with hospitals, who largely weren’t all that thrilled when it was initially launched five years ago.
Evaluating Hospital Safety: Leapfrog's Guide
Katherine Schneider, MD, the president and CEO of the Delaware Valley ACO in the Philadelphia region—an accountable care organization owned by Main Line Health and Jefferson Health—has long been ahead of the game in whatever pursuit she has chosen.
Katherine Schneider's Impact on Population Health
The latest issue of the Wharton Healthcare Quarterly is out, and it features a pertinent article from Furst Group's Bob Clarke and Joe Mazzenga on the challenge and reward of developing physician leaders to lead the entire enterprise, not just a clinical department.
Wharton Healthcare Quarterly features article on developing physician leaders by Clarke, Mazzenga