Best Practices for Hosting and Participating in Video Interviews

Interviewing is challenging in any environment, but when it happens in a virtual environment, new and different obstacles arise. More than 20 years ago, our organization invested in an infrastructure and culture that supports a mix worked environment with remote work capabilities, so engaging people and teams via video conferencing is very familiar to our team.

Interviewing is challenging in any environment, but when it happens in a virtual environment, new and different obstacles arise. More than 20 years ago, our organization invested in an infrastructure and culture that supports a mix worked environment with remote work capabilities, so engaging people and teams via video conferencing is very familiar to our team.


After more than 20 years of conducting virtual interviews, our team gathered all of our tips and advice on conducting stellar video interviews. These helpful infographics serve as a resource for organizations and teams hosting video interviews, as well as a resource for candidates participating in them.


Access the additional infographic on conducting panel or group interviews here.


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Published by furstgroup