



    Successful organizations sync their business and talent strategies. As you apply analytics to everything from financials to patient care, it only makes sense to deploy that same rigor of science-based evaluation to the leadership capabilities of your team that personality assessments can flesh out.


    People are the most significant asset a company has. Thus, it is prudent to recruit, develop, and retain the best performers, especially in a volatile industry like healthcare where turnover is high.


    These diagnostic tools measure a person’s strengths in areas such as:

    • cognition/intellect
    • communication styles
    • leadership tendencies
    • character traits
    • core motivations and drivers

    In addition, assessments can be accurate predictors of human behavior, and it can be quite helpful to know how our leaders may respond in certain situations.


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    Among the more common assessments are:

    • Hogan Assessments
    • Watson-Glaser
    • 16PF
    • StrengthsFinder 2.0
    • DiSC
    • Myers Briggs Type Indicator
    • Wunderlich
    • SHL

    Assessments are valuable for the various stages of the talent life cycle – acquisition, onboarding, development, retention and executive team performance. The goal is to increase self-awareness, improve communication skills and help your executives and your organization succeed.

    CEOs and other organizational leaders need their teams to understand their strengths and their areas for development.


    The developmental aspect is critical. The leaders in your organization need to have:

    • an enterprise worldview. They need to act on what is essential for the success of the entire organization, not merely their department.
    • alignment and cohesion on strategy.
    • an enthusiastic commitment to developing other leaders. This can cascade throughout an organization and deepen bench strength.

    For a deeper look at the value of assessments in your talent management strategy, download the white paper. 


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